VFS Global Charges for Customer Service While Breaking UX With a Non-Functional Keyboard

VFS Global Charges for Customer Service While Breaking UX With a Non-Functional Keyboard

September 11, 2024

VFS Global Charges for Customer Service While Breaking UX With a Non-Functional Keyboard

If you’ve applied for a visa lately, you’ve likely dealt with VFS Global, a private company that holds a monopoly on visa processing for over 60 governments worldwide. While outsourcing such a critical service seems convenient, the cracks in VFS’s system reveal a larger issue: a broken user experience, rampant inefficiencies, and points to a space that is ripe for disruption. This is what happens when companies just decide to keep engineers busy.

UX Gone Wrong: A Dysfunctional On-Screen Keyboard

In their latest attempt to create work for software engineers, VFS Global introduced an on-screen keyboard for entering passwords when booking appointments. The problem? It’s not just unnecessary—it’s broken. The keyboard doesn’t work properly and actively prevents users from using password managers, typing manually, or even copy-pasting passwords. This complicates what should be a straightforward process, adding unnecessary friction without delivering any real security benefits.

Imagine trying to log in, being locked out because you can’t type your password correctly with a glitchy interface, and then having to pay per minute to call customer service to fix it.

I tried using my phone to login and they even force a virtual screen on a phone! So the phone virtual keyboard slides over the virtual keyboard and nothing works. After swiping down my phone keyboard after typing each character carefully, I was finally able to click “Sign In”, only to get a message saying my account has been locked! How is this experience so bad?

The delete button doesn’t work either, until you use their on-screen keyboard. Previously, they added OTP verification codes which took more than 12 hours to get delivered to my inbox, by which time the input form would timeout (thankfully they got that part right).


To fill in the password by bypassing the silly on-screen keyboard, use this script in the console:

const input = document.getElementById('password');
const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });
input.value = 'password';

The Real Cost: Paying to Fix Their Mistakes

Yes, you read that right. VFS Global charges you per minute for calling their customer service line. After enduring their buggy system, you’re forced to pay even more just to talk to someone who may or may not be able to solve your problem.

This isn’t an isolated issue. Hundreds of users across the globe have voiced similar frustrations with the company. VFS charges high service fees on top of visa costs, and applicants are left navigating long appointment delays and unhelpful customer service. Worst of all, there’s no alternative.

People Are Speaking Out

Frustration with VFS Global is widespread, and users are speaking out. On Twitter , the SAY NO TO VFS GLOBAL channel highlights the countless issues faced by travelers. Reddit communities are equally vocal, with several threads dedicated to venting frustrations, such as this one , or the ongoing discussions on r/VFSGLOBALSUCKS here . Even in the UKVisa subreddit, users have a screaming thread for those who hate VFS Global. And this is just the first few results in my search.

Why This Monopoly Must End

The biggest problem is that VFS Global operates with no competition. Many governments have fully outsourced their visa processing to VFS, meaning travelers have no choice but to use this broken system. The lack of alternatives stifles innovation, reduces accountability, and leaves travelers vulnerable to exploitation. For a company that handles millions of visa applications annually, this is unacceptable.

Countries must re-evaluate their reliance on VFS Global and introduce competition into the visa service industry. Travelers deserve better. Whether it’s better user experience, more transparent pricing, or simply having a working login process, the demand for change is long overdue.

The bottom line: VFS Global is turning visa processing into a nightmare of poor UX, hidden costs, and systemic inefficiency. Governments and travelers alike must demand alternatives. People with powerful passports never realize how much of a burden it is to simply plan a visit with your family.

Feel free to join the conversation on Twitter/X and share your rants on Reddit. This was my way of venting and hopefully raising a little bit of awareness.

Disclaimer: This post reflects my personal experiences and opinions based on publicly available information.

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